How business' social media accounts ready to wow potential hires

1. Establish a recognizable brand tone

On all relevant social media sites, your brand's message and values should be consistent. This is due to the possibility that the same users may follow you on other social networking sites. Therefore, it may confuse your followers to post distinct messages on two social networking platforms.

Let's say you've started a new employee recognition initiative at your company. In such scenario, employ the same content style, colors, and other design features while advertising it on your various social network accounts.

You need to keep track of your social media marketing strategy if you want to be consistent in your approach. Your managers for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn will be able to adopt the same brand tone in this way.

Consider what your brand values are when you define your brand tone.

  • What distinguishes you?
  • What do you want customers to believe about your company? Etc.

 2. Support your employer's initiatives

Are you making significant efforts to enhance the employee experience? Do you give thought to the welfare of your employees? If you don't disclose the information, how will the world know?

Use social media or other online channels to inform the public about the efforts you are making to keep your staff members interested and involved in their work. Use relevant IG hashtags to increase the reach of your posts. For instance, the team at the video game studio Solitaire Bliss documented and communicated about their attempts to increase employee engagement.

With the tagline "Google interviews are like talks, not horrible events," Google uploaded a photo of an interviewer on its Instagram page. This straightforward message contributes to the impression that Google is an employer that welcomes new hires and freshmen without any reluctance. As a result, Google receives more job applications than any other technological company, over 3 million annually. So, take a cue from Google and brag about your employer brand and social media initiatives.

3. Make your HR marketing automated

Invest in some marketing tools right now if you're serious about leveraging social media to increase your HR marketing efforts. As Ancillai, C., Terho, H., Cardinali, S., & Pascucci, F. (2019) describes without the proper tools, it is impossible to schedule posts, organize marketing campaigns, and track return on investment across many social media platforms.

Every social media platform's algorithm simulates various types of material at the top. The LinkedIn algorithm, for instance, favors long-form text content. On the other hand, Twitter demands brief but frequent posts, and Instagram needs eye-catching images to appeal to a wide audience.

You must therefore purchase the appropriate social media marketing tools in order to plan, develop, manage, and oversee your HR marketing across various social media platforms. For instant messaging with your website visitors, you can incorporate a live chat facility.

  • Social media platform compatibility should be taken into account while choosing social media tools: Choose a tool that works with all the social networks you've specified.
  • Affordability: Pick a tool that fits inside your marketing spending limit. Even some marketing tools are free to use.
  • Simple to use: Make sure the tools you choose have user-friendly interfaces and capabilities that your team can utilize.

4. Use imaginative employment advertisements

You must generate interest in the position if you want a lot of individuals to apply for your posted job opening. Simple job descriptions with the 4 Ws (what, why, who, when) are insufficient to generate social media interest.

In order to encourage outstanding individuals to apply for positions at your organization, you must employ unique strategies like films and images. A user-friendly tone must be used when promoting your job vacancy.

One online marketplace for freelancers, Fiverr, has utilized amusing films to position itself as a hip employer brand.  To encourage individuals to work with them, they have produced a series of quick videos that parody standard hiring practices.

5. Pay attention to user-generated material

For many B2C and B2B organizations looking to boost their social engagement, using user-generated content has shown to be a wonderful social media marketing technique. (CO, 2022).  

However, employee-generated content might serve as reviews for HR marketing. The brand of your employer will be boosted when current employees post about their experiences and anecdotes on social media. It is an excellent HR marketing strategy to raise employee engagement. Due to the positive feedback, experiences, and general tenure of your employees, prospective employees will be inspired to apply for your open positions. Additionally, you can encourage your team to post images from regular or noteworthy workplace events to social media, which you can then repost on official page of the company.

6. Monitor prospective employees

A little eavesdropping on the social media activity of your potential employees can help you better grasp their problems. You are able to comprehend what client desire from their employers. Furthermore, you can utilize this knowledge to solve those problems in your social media posts.

You can go to Microsoft for inspiration in this case. According to a recent survey by Microsoft, 40% of the world's workforce plans to change occupations within the next 12 months. Out of those, the working environment will have an impact on decisions made by 55% of employees.

In recognition of this knowledge, Microsoft began sharing images like these on Instagram, showcasing their stylish office ambience and furnishings. (HRZONE, 2022).  


HRZONE, (2022).  Marketing Strategies with Social Media [Online] Available from  [Accessed on 27th  November 2022]

CO, (2022).  6 Essential Steps to Creating a Brilliant Social Media Marketing Strategy [Online] Available from  [Accessed on 27th November 2022]

Ancillai, C., Terho, H., Cardinali, S., & Pascucci, F. (2019). Advancing social media driven sales research: Establishing conceptual foundations for B-to-B social selling. Industrial Marketing Management. inpress


  1. Madusha Social media enables recruiters to spread information about job openings and the organization to both passive and active candidates and better to highlited some nagative impact also

  2. By taking into consideration of the 1st factor which is "recognizable brand tone", I believe that social media can increase the brand recognition of an organization as well as ruin the present brand recognition. What sort of remedial actions can take to overcome such obstacles?

  3. like you mentioned.
    Make creative use of job adverts,
    One online freelance marketplace, Fiverr, has positioned itself as a cool employer brand by employing humorous films. They have created a series of brief videos that mimic typical hiring procedures to entice people to work with them.

  4. Organizations SM plays a vital role in maintaining the public image of the organization which leads to employer branding. It is also equally risky. Can you point out few ?

  5. The image organization build within social media will attract the correct applicant pool to the organization.

  6. Enticing exceptional talent is ultimately similar to attracting customers to your brand. You want to highlight your company's culture, mission, goals, and other business activities in order to engage your audience and pique their interest in what you do. Social networking is an excellent tool for accomplishing this.


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