HR marketing strategies with Social media


Do you believe that youngsters should not use social media? According to the Manifest survey, social media is now used by more than 80% of people across all generations. It reveals that 89% of Gen-Zers, 86% of baby boomers, 88% of millennial, and 81% of Generation Zers are active on social media. It is crucial for HR directors to incorporate social media into their marketing plans given that the majority of the current workforce consists of baby boomers, millennial, and the first wave of Gen-Zers.HR can create a compassionate workplace brand thanks to social media. It also enables businesses to communicate with professionals and recent graduates more effectively. Because of this, businesses like Facebook, Adobe, Qualtrics, and Dell use social media to reach a global audience.

Figure 01: Social media in global market

The HR team has a potent tool at their disposal to position themselves as an employee-centric brand: social media. It enables businesses to engage with and recruit prospective employees directly. Additionally, it's a fantastic method to keep your staff members inspired and involved throughout the process. However, in order to effectively use social media, HR marketers must develop a distinctive and tailored strategy that can appeal to both professionals and recent graduates. (HRZONE, 2022).

Social media and HR marketing complement each other well.

Figure 03: Social media and HR

Social media is now too important for HR marketers to ignore. To develop a contemporary employer brand, they must create a comprehensive social media marketing strategy. You can't hire new talent if you don't have a social media presence.

Social media marketing can assist businesses in hiring qualified personnel more quickly and efficiently. HR may even be able to hire remote workers anywhere in the world thanks to it.

Finding the Right Markets

Identification of the target market, sometimes referred to as niche marketing, is one of the key ways that social media

Figure 03: Identify the market

may aid in the launch or growth of a business on a global scale. Finding a specific set of people who are more likely to buy your product or service based on their preferences or interests is the emphasis of target market identification. Since many of Nike's products are either directly or indirectly tied to sports and outdoor activity, the company may decide to target sports enthusiasts.

Social media's development has made it possible for businesses to flourish by locating their target markets. As an illustration, the social media platform LinkedIn is well known for its capacity to promote networking among its users by enabling them to create or join niche forums and groups with related interests. The core foundation of niche or target marketing is represented by this idea.  (, 2022).  

Because it restricts the search channels for organizations and enterprises trying to target a certain sector of individuals with similar interests, target market identification is an effective component of social media that raises worldwide awareness.

Video: Social media marketing

How this is used globally

Figure 02: Global connectivity

Many of the most prosperous companies in today's dynamic market have realized that expansion occurs not just domestically but also internationally. At a period when the term "social media" would have referred to a TV Guide, multinational corporations like Nike, Pepsi, McDonald's, and others were able to expand their empires with success. But today's social media has developed into a billion-dollar industry, in part because of the popularity of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Let's talk about some social media tactics that have been successful at raising brand exposure on a worldwide scale.




HRZONE, (2022).  Marketing Strategies with Social Media [Online] Available from  [Accessed on 22nd  November 2022], (2022).  Using Social Media for Global Marketing [Online] Available from  [Accessed on 22nd November 2022]


  1. establish seamless connectivity with employees, convey company policies and programs, leading to a better employee engagement and cohesive workplace team relationships also some important tips in HR marketing strategies with Social media

  2. Well explained article. You can also briefly explain the newest channel of virtual reality to be introduced by META. This will further benefit the organizations to connect with potential candidates and customers via virtual reality.

  3. Additionally, social media gives you the opportunity to reply to what others are saying about you in addition to just hearing it. First, listen, and then speak. Be enticing, beneficial, pertinent, and entertaining. Don't be scared to attempt new things, but make sure they make sense before you start.

  4. Over the past few years, HR has slowly begun overlapping with marketing. Many HR departments have found success with utilizing tools and strategies that are used in marketing, creating a new discipline called HR marketing using social media

  5. This is one of the most effective Marketing Strategies in modern business. It would be much better if you can discuss about the legal and security issues related SM marketing as well.

  6. This is very useful for global organizations & it opens a large amount of opportunities.

  7. Social media groups are another way to connect with potential recruits and promote your workplace branding. There are various groups on all kinds of social media, so it's best to perform some preliminary research on your target group to discover which groups are most relevant to them.


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