Social media supporting talent recruitment

What is social media recruiting?

Figure 01: Social media recruiting

Through job posts, research, and networking, social media is used to recruit candidates during the hiring process. This offers an alternative to the conventional recruiting techniques.

In general, social media recruiting functions in three different ways:

  • Promotion. 
            You can publicize your needs and reach a large audience by posting recruitment content on social media, whether it's a job posting or another type of advertisement.
  • Research. 
                Social media platforms can be used to keep track of what other businesses are doing in terms of their plans. Social media is another tool you can utilize to learn more about the candidate pool.
  • Connection. 
                You can connect with potential recruits and business partners via social media. This starts the recruitment strategy's discussion process. (ZIPPIA, 2022).

Social media is a crucial resource that all recruitment strategies should consider as the digital economy becomes more and more significant in society.

Effective Ways to Use social media for Talent Acquisition

  1. The Use of social media Is Crucial for Effective Recruiting

Figure 02: Effective recruiting

The most prosperous companies nowadays use social media as part of their hiring process. According to a report by SHRM, 84% of the employers surveyed used social media as a recruitment strategy in 2016 and a further 9% planned to. It's evident that social media should be a part of any recruitment strategy, even though many of these businesses do not use it as their main recruiting tool. According to Glassdoor, a job and recruiting website, 86% of people in their first ten years of employment and 79% of all job seekers are likely to utilize social media in their job hunt. Gopalia, A. (2012) explains that employers can utilize social media to build and manage their talent brand, screen applicants, and advertise job openings in addition to other uses.

        2. Employing social media to Promote Available Positions

Figure 03: Social media for promoting 

Online job sites like are losing popularity every year as more employers embrace social media as a conduit. While the use of job boards decreased by 3% last year, the use of social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and others climbed by 10%. Due to its strong ability to link potential employers with passive job seekers, LinkedIn is understandably the most popular social media site for recruitment. According to SHRM, 96% of businesses that engage in social hiring utilize LinkedIn. When a position is posted on LinkedIn, it is not only possible for active job seekers to find it; it is also possible to put the position in front of passive job seekers, who make up 70% of the current workforce. Employers can receive 10 times as many applications for a certain post by encouraging employees to share open vacancies with their personal networks. Facebook (66%) and Twitter (53%) were also discovered by SHRM to be well-liked resources for companies when it comes to social media recruiting. There may be professional organizations with particular social networking sites, depending on your business, which may be a great way to get your stance in front of the right people. Regardless of the medium, 55% of companies post job openings on social media.

           3. Online talent branding and social media

Figure 04: Talent branding

In today's fiercely competitive job market, having a strong talent brand is viewed as crucial to luring the best and brightest candidates. According to Forbes, a great talent brand impacts every stage of the hiring process, from pre-candidates to current workers, and can cut the cost of hiring by 50% and turnover by 28%. Undoubtedly, the most significant platform for developing and promoting your talent brand is social media. Employers can utilize their social media platforms to demonstrate their corporate culture in both static portions of a website or page and posts that highlight the accomplishments of current employees in a way that shows their dedication to encouraging and supporting employee growth. Google's recruitment page on LinkedIn is a great illustration of how a company can utilize social media to develop its employer brand and talent brand and tailor that message to different demographic pools. (COMPARABLY, 2022).

        4. Using social media to evaluate potential candidates

Figure 05: Evaluate potential candidates

According to a survey conducted by the job posting website, 60% of companies claim to screen applicants using social media. Candidates' social accounts are used by recruiters and hiring managers to validate material on a CV or cover letter, to learn more about their professionalism, to determine whether they fit with the business culture, and to evaluate their communication abilities. A decision to reject a candidate who might be a risky hire may be made because of potential red flag issues that are discovered via social media. Employers frequently discover offensive images or videos, evidence of drug or alcohol use, statements that could suggest unwelcome attitudes toward race or gender that pose a risk in the workplace, or other stuff that demonstrates a poor attitude toward previous employers or coworkers. Social networking can assist employers avoid the expense of a terrible hire in this way, and occasionally it can confirm an intuition that a candidate won't be a good match for the company, even though empirical criteria lead to a different conclusion.


Modern recruiting tools can help you win the war for talent

Successful businesses use a variety of contemporary techniques, including social media, to draw in and keep top personnel. You need access to integrated solutions with the flexibility to interview, accept, and onboard candidates smoothly if you want to prevail in the talent competition. Find out more about how the talent management tools from Assure Software can make your organization's talent management more effective. (Holm, A. B. 2014).

Figure 06: War for talent


ZIPPIA, (2022).  8 advantages of using social media recruitment [Online] Available from [Accessed on 29th November 2022]

COMPARABLY, (2022).  6 Keys to Successfully Leverage social media to Attract Talent [Online] Available from [Accessed on 29th November 2022]

Holm, A. B. (2014). Institutional context and e-recruitment practices of Danish organizations. Employee, 432-455.

Ventura, M. G., & Bringula, R. P. (2013). Effectiveness of Online Job Recruitment System. International Journal of Computer Science, 10(4), 152-159.

Gopalia, A. (2012). Effectiveness of Online Recruitment and Selection Process. Oxford Brookes University.










  1. I concur with you.
    Before applying, candidates can learn more about the company through social media. In your opinion, what would be the best for recruiting?

    1. According to a research from LinkedIn, for instance, 81% of talent experts anticipate that virtual recruiting will continue after COVID and that it will soon become the new norm.

  2. Do you believe that using social media alone in the process of selection and recruitment is advantageous to anorganization?

  3. Social Media plays a major role in the recruitment process these days. But sometimes using SM can have drawbacks as well. How do we maintain the efficiency? Do you have any suggestions ?

  4. Totally agree with you. SM can be an efficient way to evaluate a candidate. There are various constraints in using SM for talent recruitment. Can you highlight few ?

  5. Social media allows potential recruits to get a feel for what the company is like before they apply. By encouraging potential recruits to get to know the company culture before accepting a position, you ensure the candidate is the right fit for the company. Well written article.

  6. I think social media is doing a more valuable part to select a good employee to the company.Out of all the social media networks, LinkedIn is one of the best one for recruiting. Nearly everyone with an established career has a profile on the LinkedIn profile.

  7. I agree with the content & in modern world Linkedin plays a huge role in finding correct person for right positions.

  8. Finding the proper people while cutting through the clutter is the secret to successful social media recruiting. Using hashtags and participating in LinkedIn groups are excellent strategies to get job postings in front of prospects you want to apply. On Twitter, you can use hashtags like #devjobs or #NYChiring to find the best applicants.

  9. Many people who are not currently seeking for jobs also use social media. However, some of these SM experts may be a great fit for the post you're looking to fill and may apply if they were aware of the opening. Even if many of these passive prospects have no current interest, you can start building relationships with them before they start looking for a new job. You may considerably extend your talent pool by putting your openings in front of passive prospects using social media.


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